I make glass artworks that combine academic research with artistic expression. My pieces range from small objects that can be hand held, to wall hung pieces or stand-alone sculptures. A key aspect of my work is my exploration of dichroic glass, a material that changes colour based on the light passing through it. This compositional complexity adds a layer of depth to my pieces, inviting viewers to engage with the artwork from different angles and perspectives. The interaction with the public is a very important element of my projects, and I want the viewer to be able to come up close, and really experience the particularities of the material.

The ever-changing nature of dichroic glass mirrors my own emotional and mental journey, reflecting the constant evolution and transformation that defines my artistic process. The sensitivity of glass and the manipulation of it, combined with its delicacy, form a whole set of steps that define the outcome of my process. Between what I have in mind and the actual outcome, a myriad of forces come into play, influencing on the actual outcome.

Beyond the technical aspects of glass manipulation, my work is deeply rooted in my surroundings and personal experiences. The coastline, my native Scotland, weather patterns, and emotional fluctuations all find expression in my art, creating a rich tapestry of inspiration that infuses each piece with a unique narrative. I am specifically drawn to the impermanence of things and how I can incorporate this conceptually in my work.  I want my installations to be different every time they are seen, at different times of the day and through different eyes.

While my artistic process is deeply personal and emotionally driven, it is also informed by my academic background in conservation and scientific research. This dual perspective infuses my approach to glass artistry with a level of precision and technical/chemical expertise that sets my work apart. By merging art and science, I create pieces that not only captivate the eye but also engage the mind, inviting viewers to explore the intersections between creativity and knowledge. Glass as a medium is at the pivotal centre of my practice, and by my technical mastery of the material I am able to use all of its properties fully, to express myself artistically.